عدد المساهمات : 8169 نقاط : 19401 تاريخ التسجيل : 14/11/2011
موضوع: TV Shows That Haven’t Aged All That Well الأربعاء فبراير 21, 2018 7:09 pm
Some TV shows can last for decades and still be perfectly watchable. Other TV shows, due to changes in how society regards certain situations, become borderline unwatchable once their time is done. Sadly, with how fast society is evolving, most TV shows fall into the latter category.
Let’s take a look at some TV shows that were top of the bill in their day, but became downright cringeworthy later.
[/img] Scrubs Although I watched every episode of this series, it just doesn’t have that same spark anymore. It’s just … dated. Horribly dated.
The Big Bang Theory Well, the real reason why this show was any good is because it had well-known names behind it and it was a show about nerds. After a few seasons, it slipped into regular sitcom territory and the novelty’s entirely worn off. [img][/img]